

Primary School

Aim High

Meet the Governors

 Castle Primary School Governing Body

The Full Governing Body of the school meets twice a term and is responsible for setting the strategic framework of the school and monitoring its implementation. It acts as a 'critical friend' by holding school leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils. The Governing Body also oversees the finances of the school; making sure money is well spent. The Governing Body is structured into sub-committees. These consist of the Finance, Personnel and Resources Committee; the Curriculum, Progress and Standards Committee; Pay Committee; and Premises Committee. Chairs of sub-committees and the Chair of Full Governing Body and the Headteacher also meet as a Strategy Committee to oversee the work of the other committees.

Parents wishing to contact the Chair of Governors can do so via a post box held in the school office. Our Governing Body consists of the following members:


Mrs Alison Hodgson - Co-Opted Governor (Chair of Governors)

Responsibilities - Self Evaluation and Development & Training Governor (DGT). Link Governor for  PE, Library, Curriculum and for each Phase Leader.

Committee Membership - Vice-chair of Curriculum, Progress and Standards Committee and Strategy; Pay; Dismissal & Appeal Dismissal and Pupil Discipline & Complaints Committees . 

Relevant Experience -science teacher in a secondary school.

Pecuniary Interests: None

Term of Office July 2013 - expires Nov 2026




Mr Justin Bartlett BA(Hons) PGCE NPQH PQSI - Headteacher

Responsibilities - Member of all Committees.

Relevant Experience -Primary school teacher since 1994 with QTS. Teacher Governor responsibilities 2002-2009, Headteacher Governor 2009-to date. Significant experience of senior leadership in primary school settings including additional experience as NPQH assessor. Justin is also an Ofsted Inspector.

Pecuniary Interests: None

Term of Office 2009 - ongoing




Mr Paul Woodman - Co-opted Governor

Responsibilities - Lettings Governor and link governor for History.

Committee Membership - Member of Finance, Personnel & Resources;  Pay; Premises, Health & Safety; Dismissals & Appeals; Pupil Discipline & Complaints and Performance Management & Pay Committees.

Relevant Experience: Staff governor at college, college Communications Officer, Marketing Manager and local community member.

Pecuniary Interests: None

Term of Office: May 2011 - expires Nov 2026




Mrs Leearn Whiteley - Parent governor

Responsibilities - Link governor for Maths

Committee membership - member of Curriculum , Progress & Standards Committee

Relevant Experience - Is currently a secondary school Maths teacher and has been a staff governor in the past. Familiar with transition to year 7 and with expectations of KS2 pupils.

Pecuniary Interests - None

Term of Office - Feb 2021 - expires Feb 2025




Mr Ian Ryan - Co-opted Governor

Responsibilities:  Chair of Curriculum, Progress & Standards committee, . Link governor for Inclusion, Computing and Design & Technology.

Committee Membership- Chair of Curriculum, Progress and Standards committee, vice-chair of Strategy; Dismissals & Appeals, Pupil Discipline & Complaints and Pay committees

Relevant Experience - was a youth worker in the Portchester area and is currently working in a special school bringing SEN skills to the governing body. Previously link governor for IT, PSHE and SEND.

Pecuniary interests: none

Term of Office: Nov 2016 - expires Oct 2024



Mr Andrew Farlow - Parent Governor

Responsibilities:  Link governor for Science

Committee Membership - Member of Finance, Personnel & Resources Committee & Premises, Health & Safety Committee

Relevant Experience: Computer Science graduate and is a computer software designer with managerial experience.

Pecuniary Interests: None

Term of Office: Feb 2021- expires Feb 2025



Mrs Sally Rogers - Co-opted Governor

Responsibilities- Link governor for Art& Design and collection of governor's voluntary contributions

Committee membership - member of Finance, Personnel & Resources Committee.

Relevant Experience: Has served as a staff governor for many years and on all of the committees during this time. Chairperson of the PTA , Friends of Castle School for many years. Over 25 years experience as learning support assistant in primary phase.

Pecuniary Interests: Hirer of the school hall

Term of Office: Nov 2016- expires Nov 2026


Mr Jonathan Stokes - Co-opted Governor

Responsibilities - Governor Link for Health & Safety, Geography and Healthy Schools / school grounds.

Committee Membership -Chair of Premises, Health & Safety and  of Finance, Personnel & Resources; Member of Dismissals & Appeals; Strategy, Pay and Pupil Discipline & Complaints Committees

Relevant Experience - Programme Director for The Tree Council - the UK’s lead charity for urban and rural trees.  There he helped establish The Tree Council’s Tree Warden Network which now has 8000 volunteers . He has written ten books on trees, speaks at national and international conferences on trees and the environment and has regularly appeared on radio and TV.

Pecuniary Interests: Spouse is a member of staff at the school

Term of Office: - 2011 - expires Nov 2026



Mr Adam Murphy - Parent Governor

Responsibilities - Safeguarding, PSHE and Pupil Premium

Committee Membership - Member of Finance, Personnel & Resources and Strategy committees and Chair of Pay committee

Relevant Experience- worked in Children's Social care in Portsmouth for 12 years and has extensive knowledge and experience of safeguarding as well as working with Children in Need, Child Protection, Looked After Children, Children with disabilities and EHCP. Trustee and founding member of Portsmouth based charity Flying Solo which provides support to local care leavers to access jobs, education and training. Is a member of the governing body for Portsmouth City Council Virtual School for Looked After Children

Pecuniary Interests - none

Term of Office: Nov 2023 - expires Nov 2027


Mrs Caroline Lopez - Parent Governor

Responsibilities - Link governor for English, Languages and emotional well-being

Committee membership - member of Curriculum, Progress and Standards committee

Relevant Experience - secondary languages teacher since 2009 in London and local schools. Prior to that worked as a TEFL teacher in South America and in the ferry industry in Portsmouth. Now teaches languages from nursery up to year 11 in a local independent school. Has an interest in developing pupils' global links through language learning and collaboration and also run Spanish Storytime at Portchester Library.

Pecuniary Interests - none

Term of Office: Feb 2024 - expires Jan 2028


Mr Andrew Loneragan - Teacher Governor


Committee Membership - member of Curriculum, Progress & Standards

Relevant Experience: Is currently a senior teacher at Castle Primary. Andy is the lead for Years 5 and 6. He also leads English across the school, having most recently been responsible for the implementation of the 'Little Wandle' phonics scheme as well as leading the development of English across the school. Andy also leads MFL and is a successful children's fiction author.

Pecuniary Interests: None

Term of Office: January 2023- Feb 2027














Clerk to the Governing Body - Currently vacant

Experience - 




Governing Body Meeting Dates 2022-23

Attendance Records for Governing Body Meetings 2022-23
Mr Justin Bartlett100%100%100%100% 
Mrs Angela Thomas100%100%   
Mrs Alison Hodgson60%20%   
Mr Andrew Farlow100% 100%  
Mr James Hunter (from 3/23)66% 100%  
Mrs Sally Rogers60% 60%  
Mrs Leearn Whiteley80%60%   
Mr Ian Ryan100%80% 100% 
Mr Jonathan Stokes60% 60%  
Mr Andrew Loneragan (from2/23)75% 50%  
Mr Paul Woodman100% 100%  
Mr Adam Murphy60%80%   
Mrs Caroline Lopez100%100%   