A big 'Hello' to everyone who will be moving up to Year 1 in September.
Just to make you aware that we have uploaded some welcome messages from new your teachers to Seesaw, which hopefully you will all have access to very soon. (We were unfortunately unable to upload the videos to the webpage, as they were a little too large!)
Best wishes for a fantastic summer, and we look forward to meeting you all very soon!
The Year One Team
The children will all receive in the last week of term a Summer holiday Home Learning booklet.
Please find below further suggestions of activities to enjoy with your child.
Have fun!
Hello Hedgehogs, Squirrels, Mums and Dads,
It is hard to believe that we are nearly at the end of the school year and your first year at Castle Primary. For the next two weeks we will be supporting you all with the transition to Year 1 with
our 'Moving on' focus.
You will find below, as a starting point, a 'Transition to Year 1' social story to share with your child about what to expect as they move to Year 1. It will be important to keep sharing this regularly with your child to help them process what will still be the same and what will be different in September.
Your children will all receive a 'Passport to Year 1'. For those of you at home they are in the post so should arrive early next week. You can also find a copy below with the accompanying letter of explanation.
The Year 1 staff will be in touch with you and keep you informed of further things you need to know about Y1 and the start of the Autumn Term 2020. The Year R staff continue to be here to support you with any queries you have too.
We hope you have fun with the activities below!
We will be posting some suggestions for Holiday learning on the website before the end of term.
This website supports key learning in Phonics and supports reading and spelling.
Free access is currently available using the following details:-
Username: March20
Password: home
Hello Hedgehogs and Squirrels,
We hope you have all had a good week in the very hot weather. This coming week is the last week of the 'Marvellous Minibeasts' topic and we will be using the story of 'Superworm' by Julia Donaldson as our focus story. We hope you enjoy the activities and look forward to seeing the posts on Tapestry of your home learning.
Hello Year R!
This past week has been another 'hit' with the children loving finding out about snails. We have seen some great shell designs too, both from home and school, for 'Norman the Slug....' . Well done everybody!
We appreciate for those of you reading at home, using the online materials is not ideal. However, it is really important to keep practising reading as regularly as possible and learning your sound cards and tricky words. In the activities section below, there are some suggestions for practising tricky words in fun ways and as always you can find the full set of tricky words to copy out or print.
This week we will be finding out about ladybirds. Have a fun week and do share your home learning with us - we love to see it!
Hello Year R!
Our 'Marvellous Minibeasts' topic seems to be popular, with some fantastic bug hunting and work about butterflies being posted this last week - well done !
If you require support with any of the home learning, please contact us, we are always happy to help. If you need work printed please contact us via Tapestry or the school office and this can be arranged.
Have fun with your home learning this week. Stay safe and take care.
Hello Everyone!
It has been lovely to see lots of you back at school this past week. Each week we will be matching the Home Learning to the topics and themes we are doing in school. We would welcome seeing at least one post on Tapestry per week if possible from each of you to help us keep in touch.
For those of you at home , do feel free to post more if you would like to and please let us know if you would like any further support from the Year R Staff.
This week we are finding out about 'Butterflies'.
Hello Hedgehogs, Squirrels, Mums and Dads!
We hope you have been enjoying the gorgeous sunny weather this past week. The Year R staff are really looking forward to seeing many of you back in school this week. You will find some photos on Tapestry showing the classrooms ready for your return and a social story below about returning to school.
We will continue to post Home Learning here each week for those of you still at home and those attending school on a part-time basis. Our topic focus for the next few weeks is 'Marvellous Minibeasts'.
We will still review the Tapestry posts we receive as soon as we possibly can.
See you soon at school or via Tapestry.
Have a go at some of these rhythmic activities from Hampshire Music Service.
Great activities for supporting listening and attention.
As Half term is here, we would like to thank all of the children and parents for embracing the challenge of home learning so well.
We will not be posting any home learning now until Monday 1st June and will be taking a break from Tapestry for the week too.
We wish you all a happy and relaxing half term week
Hello Year R!
All of the Year R staff have been delighted with the fabulous home learning that is taking place - keep up the good work!
This week we will continue with 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' as our focus. The following week will be half term, so do take a well deserved break then.
We hope to see you before too long. In the meantime, have some fun with the activities below and enjoy what promises to be a sunny week ahead.
Hello Hedgehogs and Squirrels!
We hope you have enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend. It has been lovely to see lots of you marking the 75th Anniversary of VE Day with your own celebrations at home.
This coming week our theme is 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. We hope you enjoy the activities below and look forward to hearing how you get on.
Isabelle created a 'Piggy the Pig' pizza. Lara made a cow from her handprint.
Alfie used his lego to make a symmetrical design and Dominic explored 'halving' by cutting sand shapes into 2 equal pieces.
Hello Year R!
What a fantastic week of Home Learning you have had! You have posted lots of amazing things on Tapestry, well done.
Our 'Farm' topic is proving popular and so we will be continuing with 'The Farm' as our theme for this next week.
If you would like any help or advice with home learning please do contact us via Tapestry or
This Friday 8th May 2020 marks the 75th Anniversary of VE day - Victory in Europe Day.
You might like to use the resources below to find out about the history of VE Day and how
people celebrated the end of World War II.
If you don't have these stories at home, follow the link below for ' The Pig in the Pond'
and enjoy a story time with Mrs Rigby reading 'The Tiny Seed' on Tapestry.
Hello Everyone!
We hope you have been enjoying the beautiful sunshine. Thank you for all of the Tapestry posts
many of you have made this past week. There has been lots of fantastic home learning going on.
This week our theme in Year R is 'The Farm' . We hope you have fun with the activities and we really look forward to seeing what you get up to!
Hello Hedgehogs, Squirrels, Mums and Dads!
We hope you have all had a lovely Easter.
Below you will find our new Learning Journey grid for the week. Under the photo will be the
documents for you to download and some further activities to support your home learning
for the week.
If you need any help with the home learning or re-activating your Tapestry account please contact the Year R staff via Tapestry or email adminoffice@castle.hants.sch.uk
In order to access Twinkl (mentioned below) , go to www.twinkl.co.uk/offer
and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS
Today we have added some fun activities you might like to try over the 2 week Easter Holiday.
These include a craft project, Maths fun and some great outdoor activities.
You have all been doing a fantastic job with your home schooling and deserve a well earned break for the next fortnight. (Mums and Dads too!)
We will post the next set of home learning activities before term re-starts on Monday 20th April.
Wishing you all a very Happy Easter from the Year R staff!
Stay safe
Easter Activity:-
Can you use your recycling/bits from around the house to make an Easter bonnet?
We wold love to see pictures of your bonnets so do upload them to Tapestry or email to adminoffice@castle.hants.sch.uk
We have some music activities for you today from Hampshire Music Service called 'Easter Eggstras'. You just need to click on the links to enjoy the musical clips. Have fun!
Work for home 1/4/20
Hello Hedgehogs and Squirrels!
It is lovely to see all the Tapestry posts coming in with all the fantastic activities you are doing at home to support your child's learning.
At Parents' Evening we gave out a letter formation sheet to support correct letter formation.
Have a go at practising the letters your child finds hard. Focus on 1 or 2 at a time.
It is useful to practise the letters in letter families:
Long Ladder letters: l,i,t,u,j,y (down and off in another direction)
Curly Caterpillar letters: c,a,d,o,g,q,e,s,f (anticlockwise round)
One-armed robot letters: r,b,n,h,m,k,p (down and retrace back up)
Zig-zag Monster Letters: v,w,x,z ( zig -zags)
Encourage your child, when ready, to sit their letters on a line. (Use a wide line spacing)
Try practising writing tricky words from the bingo zippy folder + names on a line.
Work for Home 27-3-20
Please continue to use the activities on the website to support your child's learning at home.
If you would like some additional ideas here are a few writing activities to try.
Encourage your child to use his/her sound mat or sound cards to help them and refer to tricky word bingo games to rehearse correct spelling of tricky words.
Here are some ideas that you could try at home this week to link in with our learning at school. This week we will be recapping 3d shapes and I have already put a couple of activities that you might like to try this week on Tapestry.
We will also be working on Subtraction and our numbers to 20. I have added some games that will support your child's learning of subtraction, number recognition and counting of numbers 10-20 .
I have also added 2 more videos this time activities you could try using Ten's Frames; your child will have brought one of these home in the Home Learning pack.
We hope you have fun trying some of these activities out.
Lego/Duplo take away -
You will need lego/Duplo Bricks and a dice
Each person builds a tower of 20 bricks . Count the bricks carefully and make sure your tower is really 20 bricks high. Take it in turns to roll the dice and take that many bricks away from your tower. Count each time how many bricks you have left. The winner is the person who gets rid of their bricks first.
Sing the song '10 green Bottles' but change it slightly choosing to take away 1, 2 or 3 bottles each time. How many do you have left each time you take some away?
Sing the song '10 in the bed'
Fiddly Fingers Number counting and Recognition
Here is an activity that will support your child's number recognition and counting whilst helping them to develop strong fingers (important for writing).
You will need a peg, number cards, pots or plates a number of small items such as beads, stones, hooped cereals or screwed up bits of paper.
Choose a number and say it's name. Pick up, using your peg, the corresponding number of items and place them in the pot or on the plate. When you have finished carefully count the items to make sure you have the right amount.
Each week there will be a different challange. If you want to share your successes on Tapestry then please feel free to do so, but this is by no means compulsory. Have fun and enjoy.
Mrs Bryant