Welcome to Year 6!
From Monday, the BBC will be hosting, across a multitude of platforms, BBC Bitesize daily. In their words:
From 20 April, you’ll be able to access regular daily lessons in English and Maths, as well as other core subjects, in an expanded version of our website and also on special programmes broadcast on BBC iPlayer and BBC Red Button.
We’ve worked with our colleagues in other parts of the BBC and education experts from around the UK to make sure everyone who needs it can access learning resources during this uncertain time. You can also expect some of it to be delivered by well-known faces.
If you use the links provided, you can already see some of the activities (and teaching to go with it) that the BBC are providing. As teachers, we will be exploring what the BBC have to offer at the same time as you. Rather than continue to provide SPAG and maths activities, we are recommending that you investigate the daily lessons and activities that the BBC are providing. We will maintain our activity on our respective SeeSaw pages and would love to see what you are getting up to and indeed what you have done over the course of the Easter break so please upload any photos, stories, art or anything else for us all to see and enjoy.
Any activity for your brain is good activity for your brain!
Above we have linked the activites supplied by the BBC for year 6. If you are confident at these, or are after something maybe less challenging or indeed more, the link below is the portal to all of the daily activities for lots of different year groups. Just because it is in a different year will not mean it is necessarily easier or harder (it may just be covering different topics) so do have a careful read to make sure you are comfortable with what you have chosen to do!
Homework is set on FRIDAY and is due in the following THURSDAY. We also expect you to be reading EVERY DAY and continuing to practise your tables and spellings.
Supporting Websites
Because large numbers of children are going to be self-isolating, many websites have opened access for parents. In light of this, year 6 are going to be providing links to resources to help support learning and revising during this time.
In order to access Twinkl resources, go to twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS
So that both Mrs Metherell and Mr Loneragan can be in regular contact with the children in year 6, we are going to be using Seesaw - an online platform that allows teachers to interact with students. Teachers can (and will) set small challenges, upload greetings and important information and more significantly, so can children. This is a heavily moderated experience where teachers will be in control of all content that is posted.
All details for this platform have been sent out via post or email and we hope to see your children on there soon.
In spring 2, our PE slot is on a Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure that all children have a full kit in school for this day. Although we are currently indoors, kit needs to be appropriate for possible outdoor activity.
Help for Parents
The following links provide help with various core subjects for parents and children:
Home Learning:
In light of the recent announcements, we have created a suggested list of activities along with a schedule to help all children revise and consolidate our year 6 learning.