

Primary School

Aim High

Castle wins UKMT Maths Competition - Mon 29 Sep 2014

UKMT - United Kingdom Mathematical Trust
A whole day working out challenging maths problems? "Yes please!" came the reply from the year 6 maths squad.   There were only 8 places, 2 teams of 4, so names were put into box and drawn out by the squad.  As luck would have it - 4 girls and 4 boys.  They were adamant that they should be a boys team and a girls team and so it was. Four and a half hours of sustained concentration through 5 rounds of varying mathematical activities did not dampen their enthusiasm or determination.  The boys leapt ahead after the first round with the girls in third.  As the competition progressed the boys kept their top slot but the girls nudged closer and closer.  It was the final round that was the clincher. The girls became victorious overall with the boys ending in a creditable third place behind a team from Red Barn.  What a day.  Well done to all of you.

Girls Team: Holly, Isobel, Sophie and Olivia  
Boys Team: Jamie, Leon, Connor and Max

Photos in - Children - Gallery - UKMT
