

Primary School

Aim High

Coronavirus Update

The government issued new advice regarding Coronavirus yesterday evening:


If anyone in your household has a new, persistent cough or a high temperature, EVERYONE in the household (not just the individual with the symptom(s)) must self-isolate for 14 calendar days.


Any child who has been sent home since last Friday 13th March with these symptoms will not be allowed back in school for 14 calendar days from the onset of their symptoms. Similarly, any child who has parents or siblings displaying symptoms will not be permitted in school for the same period.


Given the seriousness of the current situation, this is not negotiable even if symptoms improve over the course of the day or week.


I am acutely aware of the challenges this will bring for families and schools, but it is vital that government guidance is followed.


The social distancing strategy will, no doubt, have significant impact on a number of planned school events - I will email again in due course with an update when I am able. Parents will appreciate that this is a rapidly developing situation and we respond to developments on a daily basis.


Thank you for your support during this very challenging time.


Mr J Bartlett

