

Primary School

Aim High

Home Learning

The Children/ Class pages section of the website has numerous resources for parents to use at home with their children. This is updated weekly. We are signposting BBC Bitesize for Years 1-6 (not Year R) as a really useful daily activity resource. The Seesaw app is now being used across the school from Year 1 - 6 - if you have not received an access code please get in touch. Seesaw enables pupils to upload their work and news for their teachers to see and feedback. Year R continues to use Tapestry to facilitate two-way communication.


There are also numerous other activity websites that are highlighted on the class pages for your use.


Paper based packs of learning which replicate much of the online learning can be requested if parents have difficulty printing resources or have limited access to a computer. We are happy to help. These are not in addition to online learning and parents should not feel that children complete both!  


Please use the resources as works best for you and your family - it is highly unlikely that your child will need to access all of the resources. Remember, if you have any questions, please do get in touch.
