

Primary School

Aim High

IMPORTANT - Coronavirus news

Important information regarding coronavirus and the half term break.

To help keep the whole school community safe we still need to report any confirmed cases of corona virus to Public Health England; and will need to advise parents of any children, and any staff members, who would be classed as close contacts of a person who received a positive test result.

To ensure this process happens we have a dedicated email address of, which is to only be used for reporting any suspected and confirmed cases of coronavirus.

If your child shows any of the signs of coronavirus (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell), we ask that you:

  • Contact us on the email address above.
  • Follow all the relevant guidance (NHS advice, Government advice).
  • Book a test and isolate the whole family.
  • Inform us of the result of the test using the email address above.

In the event of a positive case, we will liaise with PHE, and all contact from the school will be via the email which may show up as “Castle Primary School – Urgent” in your email inbox or the normal school communication email.


Thank you for your continued support.
