

Primary School

Aim High


  • Home Learning

    Thu 30 Apr 2020

    The Children/ Class pages section of the website has numerous resources for parents to use at home with their children. This is updated weekly. We are signposting BBC Bitesize for Years 1-6 (not Year R) as a really useful daily activity resource. The Seesaw app is now being used across the school from Year 1 - 6 - if you have not received an access code please get in touch. Seesaw enables pupils to upload their work and news for their teachers to see and feedback. Year R continues to use Tapestry to facilitate two-way communication.


    There are also numerous other activity websites that are highlighted on the class pages for your use.


    Paper based packs of learning which replicate much of the online learning can be requested if parents have difficulty printing resources or have limited access to a computer. We are happy to help. These are not in addition to online learning and parents should not feel that children complete both!  


    Please use the resources as works best for you and your family - it is highly unlikely that your child will need to access all of the resources. Remember, if you have any questions, please do get in touch.

  • Summer update

    Mon 20 Apr 2020

    Dear Parents,

    I hope that you are well and have managed to enjoy the sunny weather over the past two weeks.  

    Following the Government announcement that the national lockdown will continue for the next three weeks, I thought I would touch base with you all regarding the school's plans for various areas.

    Remote Learning:

    Thank you for being supportive of your children’s home learning. We are very much aware that every family is different and that there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ approach to support children’s learning. I would stress that we fully appreciate how difficult home learning can be to manage, particularly if you are trying to work from home, and that there is not an expectation for children to complete all tasks set. We have, however, enjoyed seeing examples of work and activities that some of our children have been doing.

    Please do keep referring to the school website for activity ideas which teachers are updating regularly. BBC bitesize has also changed today and parents may find this site very useful both in terms of structure but also the range of online videos and other resources. Lessons are organised into daily maths and English with one additional subject. Some year groups are already accessing the ‘Seesaw’ app to keep in touch with teachers and share work. Our intention is to expand its use across the school and we will share further information regarding this shortly.

    Key Worker and Vulnerable Children:

    Whilst the school is closed to most children we do still have a very small number of children attending. Teaching staff in school this week are:

    Juniors –              (Monday/Tuesday) Mr Banner and Mrs Lipsham

                                 (Wednesday to Friday) Mrs Harvey and Mrs Bloss

    Rec/infants –     (Monday /Tuesday) Mrs Forsey, Mrs Crowe, Mrs  White

                   (Wednesday to Friday) Mrs Jackson, Mrs Martin   and Mrs Gould


    In the meantime:

    There have been a number of rumours regarding school reopening dates over the past week - we can’t say yet when we’ll be able to open the school fully (we are not provided with information in advance of the government’s daily news briefings), but rest assured that we’ll continue doing our utmost to keep your child learning and our school community connected.

  • New Entrants 2020

    Thu 16 Apr 2020

    We would like to extend our warmest welcome to the children and families who will be joining Castle Primary School in September 2020. We have added a New Entrants section (please follow Children/Class pages/New Entrants 2020) on to the website where we will add important information for parents. Given the unusual situation we all find ourselves in at the moment, it is likely that induction for new families will be different this year - we will share our plans for this in the near future.

    If you have any concerns about your child's additional needs and would like to speak to someone before induction arrangements are in place, please email our SENCO, Nadine Ricketts at to arrange a telephone call.

    Thank you.

  • March Newsletter

    Tue 07 Apr 2020
  • Peripatetic Muisc lessons

    Fri 03 Apr 2020
    A letter will be sent today to parents of children who have peripatetic music tuition in school to provide links to the Hampshire Music Service Virtual Learning Zone through which you will be able to obtain advice and email questions direct to their teachers....